Adult training courses are an excellent option if you’re looking for a career change. Whether you’re looking for a change of pace or you just want to increase your income, there are plenty of adult retraining opportunities that can help you to achieve your aims.
This guide explores a range of trade courses for adults and the jobs that they lead to. If you’re interested to learn more about any of these professions in greater detail, take a look at our posts on how to become an electrician, plumber, or gas engineer.

Trade courses for adults
Across the UK, there are plenty of adult training courses that will allow you to learn, get qualified, and land your new job in no time at all. Based in Paisley and Dalgety Bay, Scotland, our training academies offer a variety of courses in electrical work, plumbing, and gas engineering. We provide a range of options for adults looking to retrain, including part-time and fast-track courses.
If you live in Scotland and you’re unemployed, you may even be able to get financial support towards the cost of your course through the Government’s Training for Work (TfW) scheme – take a look at the site to see if you’re eligible. There’s no upper age limit for the TfW programme and over 50s can start straight away, so you could find yourself in a new job in the very near future!
Our new entrant gas engineer courses are the most popular due to the potential earnings and the speed with which you can qualify (in some cases, in under half a year). Without an apprenticeship, adult retraining in the other trade professions can take a little longer, but we’ll also discuss fast-track plumbing and electrician courses in this post.
Gas engineering
With the highest average salary of the trade professions in the UK, gas engineering attracts a lot of our adult career changers. There are plenty of other reasons why so many candidates go for these types of courses: you can qualify relatively quickly (in 25 weeks with Skills Training Group) and, if you’re not ready to leave your current role, you can even train part-time around your work.
If you’re interested in becoming a gas engineer, check out our blogs on the retraining process and the gas engineering qualifications you’ll gain along the way.
Plumbing also represents a great adult retraining opportunity, with a reasonably high average wage in the UK at £29,583 and the chance to be your own boss. Some plumbers also go on to become Gas Safe-registered, which can increase your earnings significantly. Whether you’re looking to start out in plumbing or you have some experience, we offer a plumbing course that works for you.
For more information about what you’d actually get up to in this profession, take a look at our post on a day in the life of a plumber.
Electrical work
Adult training courses to become an electrician are also quite common across the UK. At our training academies in Scotland, we offer a variety of electrician courses designed for all levels from complete beginners to experienced professionals. If you’d like to chat with us about which option would be most suitable for your own circumstances, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Think your suited to retraining as an electrician? Read our blog on why you should become an electrician to learn more about the job and its perks.
Hopefully, this blog on adult training courses has given you some inspiration for your career change. Contact us for any further information about our courses (or even just to discuss your options).