
Whether you’re in the workplace or home, accidents can happen. Most people know that it’s always best to be prepared, and having a first aid kit available can ensure you can deal with any emergencies immediately.

There are so many first aid kits available, and it can get confusing when choosing the best one for your needs. Have no fear, though, because we’re here to help.

In this post, we’ll reveal the best supplies for your first aid kit.

Let’s dive in.

Why you should always have a first aid kit

According to Finder, the most common workplace injuries are slips and falls, with accidents when lifting items coming a close second. The National Accident Helpline reports that the home is the most common place for accidents, with the kitchen being the most dangerous.

While many of these accidents are minor falls or cuts, it’s also possible that severe burns might occur, or someone could lose a lot of blood if they suffer from a serious knife wound.

A first aid kit can provide someone with immediate treatment and prevent permanent scarring. Perhaps more importantly, if someone accidentally cuts a major artery, a first aid kit can be instrumental in saving their life.

Accidents can happen anywhere, but with the right kit, you can prevent a dangerous situation from becoming a fatality.

The essential supplies for any first aid kit

No two first aid kits are alike, and your needs might differ entirely from someone else’s. However, there are some essential items that every good kit should have, so let’s take a look at them.


Bandages are essential to any first aid kit, as they treat minor cuts and grazes. However, these dressings can also treat more severe wounds and immobilise a limb if someone suffers a fracture or dislocation.


It’s essential to wear gloves when dealing with blood or other bodily fluids, as there is a risk of infection. You should also ensure that the injured person does not have any open wounds on their hands, as this could lead to further infection.

Adhesive dressings

Also known as ‘plasters’, these are used to cover cuts and abrasions. Adhesive dressings come in various sizes, so it’s important to have a few different ones available.

Gauze dressings

Gauze dressings are perfect for covering more extensive wounds, and you can also use them in conjunction with other items like bandages and tape.

Antiseptic wipes or cream

An antiseptic wipe or cream will help clean the wound and prevent infection. This is particularly important if the injury is serious, as there is a greater risk of bacteria getting into the bloodstream.

Pain relief medication

Whether it’s a simple headache or something more serious, pain relief medication can help ease the discomfort. Paracetamol and ibuprofen are both effective painkillers, and you can buy them over the counter at most pharmacies.


Tweezers help remove splinters or glass from a wound, but you can also use them to remove ticks, although it’s important to be careful when doing this.


Scissors might not seem like an essential item, but they’re ideal for cutting bandages and gauzes to use as dressings. For example, you can use scissors to cut clothes off if someone has been injured in a car accident or check for a broken bone.

First aid manual

A first aid manual is essential for anyone who wants to learn how to deal with different accidents and injuries. It’s also useful for reference if you can’t remember how to do something, and many will give you a step-by-step guide.

Aluminium blanket

An aluminium blanket, or ‘space blanket’, can be used to keep someone warm if they are in shock. They are also helpful in reflecting light and can be used as a signalling device if someone is lost.

Cold packs

Cold packs treat sprains and strains, as well as headaches and migraines. They’re instrumental in reducing swelling after an injury and can prevent it from worsening until help arrives.


Whistles are noisy, so they’re perfect for attracting attention if someone is lost or injured. You can also use a whistle for alerting people to danger, such as a fire.

Adhesive tape

Adhesive tape can be used to hold bandages and gauze dressings in place. It’s also helpful in immobilising a limb if someone has suffered a fracture or dislocation.


A thermometer checks a person’s temperature so you can see if they are unwell. However, it’s also useful to verify whether someone has an infection, as many injuries might seem relatively harmless, but a low temperature can signify something more dangerous.

Safety pins

Safety pins can fasten bandages and gauze dressings in place and work in conjunction with splits or slings when someone injures their arm or leg.

Torch with spare batteries

A torch is useful for finding your way around in the dark to treat someone, but it’s also essential for signalling. You should also make sure you have spare batteries because you never know when you might need them.

Things to consider

While first aid kits are beneficial, you have to know how to use them properly. All the items can be helpful, but if you don’t have the knowledge base, you won’t know which items to use for specific injuries.

A basic first aid course can give you the skills you need to treat injuries, and most workplaces now require employees to have one. Even better, when you understand first aid and the potential risks, you can choose the best kit for your workplace or home.

Final Thoughts

These are just some essential items every first aid kit should have. Of course, you might need to add other things depending on your circumstances, including the nature of your work and whether you have young children.

For example, if you have young children, you might want to include plenty of plasters and a spare thermometer, while workplaces should ensure the first aid kit has everything they need to protect employees.

By choosing the right kit, you can rest assured that you’ll be able to treat injuries as and when they occur, ensuring that injuries don’t become worse.

With so many available, you’ll have no problems finding the right one for your needs.

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